Aaron M. Epstein |
Adam Eidinger |
Adrian Dominican Sisters |
Aetna Retirees Assoc. |
AkademikerPension |
Alan Farago & Lisa Versaci |
Alexandra Brown |
Alice de V. Perry |
Alice Rosenfeld |
Allen Edward Hancock |
Allen W. Lalor |
Allied Pilots Assoc. |
Alyson Pytte |
Amalgamated Bank |
Amazon Employees for Climate Justice |
American Baptist Home Mission Society |
American Conservative Values |
American Family Association |
Amnesty International USA |
Amundi Asset Mgmt. |
Amy Floyd |
Amy Ridenour |
Ancora Holdings Group LLC |
Andrew Behar |
Andrew Rodriguez |
Ann Reynolds Mason |
Anna Marie Lyles |
Anne Butterfield |
Anthony Gilbert |
Antonio L. Quintas |
Antonio Maldonado, II |
Arjuna Capital |
As You Sow |
Assoc. of BellTel Retirees |
Assoc. of Retired Xerox Employees |
Assoc. of U.S. West Retirees |
Association of Ameritech/SB Retirees, Inc. |
Azzad Asset Mgmt. |
Bahnsen Family Trust |
Baldwin Bros. |
Baldwin Brothers |
Barrie Shore |
Bartlett Naylor |
Benedictine Sisiters of Virginia |
Benedictine Sisters of Boerne |
Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica |
Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel |
Bernie J. Pafford |
Betsy Krieger |
Blackwells Group |
BNP Paribas Asset Mgmt. |
Board of Pension United Methodist Church |
Bobbie Strohbar |
Boston Common Asset Management |
Boston Trust Walden Co. |
Bowyer Research |
Brandon Hardy |
Brianna Harrington |
Bricklayers & Trowel Trades Int'l Pension Fund |
Bright Start 529 Plan IL State Treasurer |
Broadcom |
Broz Family Investments LLC |
Brunel Pension Partnership |
Burn More Coal |
C. William Jones |
Calvert Asset Mgmt. Co. |
Camilla Madden Charitable Trust |
Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. |
Cardinal Resources Inc. |
Carey Lovelace |
Carl Icahn |
Carl Olson |
Carole Lovelle |
Carpenters Benefits Fund |
Catherine Donnelly Foundation |
Catholic Equity Fund |
Catholic Healthcare West |
Catholic United Investment Trust |
CCLA Invest. Mgmt. |
Central Laborers' Pension Fund |
Change Finance, P.B.C. |
Charles Miller |
Chevedden Family Trust |
Chi-Ming Liu |
Chris Rossi |
Christian Bros. Investment Svcs. |
Christopher & Anne Ellinger |
Christopher Reynolds Foundation |
Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust, Inc. |
Church Pension Fund |
Citizens Funds |
Clark Phippen |
Clean Yield Asset Mgmt. |
CommonSpirit Health |
Communications Workers of America |
Cong. of Sisters of St. Agnes |
Congr. of Benedictine Sisters |
Congregation of the Passion |
Construction Laborers Pension for So. CA |
Craig Ayers |
CT Retirement Plans & Trust Funds |
Cynthia Murray |
Dale Wannen |
Dana Chatfield Jones |
Dana Investment Advisors |
Daniel Altschuler Trust |
Daughters of Charity |
David Bahnsen |
David Brook |
David R. Watt |
David Witt |
Dennis Breuel |
Dennis Rocheleau |
Domini Impact Investments |
Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, NY |
Donald and Ina Donahue |
Donald Gilson |
Donald Parry |
Donald Perrella |
Dorothy & David Goldberg |
Dummy |
Dyke Turner |
Earl Mongeon, Jr. |
Educational Foundation of America |
Edward Mergens |
Edward Olson |
Eko |
Eleanora Halfman |
Elizabeth Kantor Trust |
Elizabeth Phillips |
Ellen Higgins Trust |
Elliott Associates, L.P. |
Elton Shephard |
Emil Rossi |
Emily S. Coward |
Equality Network Foundation |
Eric & Emily Johnson |
Eric Fogel |
Estella Salvatierra |
Etica Sgr. SpA |
Eve S. Sprunt |
Evelyn Davis |
Exelon Corporation |
F & C Asset Mgmt. |
Faye Rosenthal Living Trust |
Figure 8 Investment Strategies |
Firefighters' Pension of KC, MO |
First Affirmative Financial Network |
Florida State Board of Administration |
Follow This |
Fonds de solidarite FTQ |
Francis Brandt |
Franciscan Sisters of Allegany |
Franciscan Sisters of Perp. Adoration |
Frank & Joann Randall |
Frank Coleman Inman |
Fred Pfenninger |
Fredrick Wilson |
Free Enterprise Action Fund |
Freeda Cathcart |
Friends Fiduciary Corp. |
Fund for the Ctr. for Community Change |
Funding Exchange |
GAMCO Asset Mgmt., Inc. |
GE Stockholders' Alliance |
Gen. Bd Pensions of Methodist Church |
George F. Longino, III |
George Gund Foundation |
Gerald Armstrong |
Gloria J. Eddie |
Glyn A. Holton |
Grace Holden |
Grace Holden & Keith Schnip |
Great Neck Capital Appreciation Partnership |
Greater Manchester Pension Fund |
Green Century Capital Management |
Greenlight Captal, Inc. |
Gretchen Parrish |
Gun Denhart Living Trust |
Gwendolen Noyes |
Hal Scott/Doris Behr 2012 Irrevocable Trust |
Handerly Hotels, Inc. |
Harold J. Mathis, Jr. |
Harold Plog |
Harriet Crosby |
Harrington Investments, Inc. |
Hazel Floyd |
Heartland Initiative, Inc. |
Heavy & General Laborers' Funds of NJ |
Helen Quirini |
Helena Halperin |
Henry H. Barrett |
Hermes Admin. Services Ltd. |
Hermes Equity Ownership Services Ltd. |
Holy Land Principles, Inc. |
Home Missioners of America |
Howard & Joan Poulter |
Human Life International, Inc. |
Humane Society of the U.S. |
IBVM Loretto Sisters of Canada |
Illinois State Board of Investment |
Illinois State Treasurer |
Impax (Pax World) Asset Management |
Indiana Laborers Pension Fund |
Int'l Brotherhood of DuPont Workers |
Int'l Brotherhood of Elec. Workers |
Int'l Brotherhood of Teamsters |
Investor Advocates for Social Justice |
Investor Voice |
Jack & Ilene Cohen |
Jack Leeds |
Jaeger-Natkunam Trust |
James Dollinger |
James Jensen |
James Leas |
James Linardos |
James Mackie |
James McRitchie |
Jane Banfield |
Janet Krueger |
Jantz Management, LLC |
Jay Stanley Weisfeld Trust |
Jean V. Dal Pan |
Jill Maynard |
Jill Ratner |
Jing Zhao |
Joe D. Ramsey, Jr. |
John A. Dal Pan |
John Bishop Montgomery Trust |
John Chevedden |
John G. Carlevaro |
John Harrington |
John Hepburn |
John Jennings Crapo |
John Lauve |
John Maher Trust |
John Powers |
John Sponcer |
Jonathan Dill |
Jonathan Kalodimos |
Joseph Barzotti |
Joseph Ciocca |
Joseph Granata |
Josie Kinkade, M.D. |
Jovita Carpenter |
Joyce Lanning |
Judith Porter |
Julia Randall |
Julie Mayfield |
June Kreutzer & Cathy Snyder |
Keith Schnip |
Kenneth Steiner |
Kestrel Foundation |
Kevin Mahar |
Laborers' District Council & Contractors of Ohio |
Laborers' Int'l. Union of N. America |
Laborers National Pension Fund |
Laborers' Staff & Affil. Pension |
Legal & Gen. Assurance Pensions Mgmt. |
Legal & General Invest. Mgmt. America, Inc. |
Lendri Purcell |
Linda Bush |
Lisette Cooper 2015 Trust |
Lloyd Noble II Trust |
Loretto Literary & Benev. Instit. |
Loring, Wolcott & Coolidge |
Los Angeles County Employees Ret. Assoc. |
Louis B & Diana R Eichold Trust |
Lucian Bebchuk |
Lucy Kessler |
MA Laborers' Pension Fund |
Madeline Moore |
Majority Action |
Mantle Ridge L.P. |
Marcella Meyer, M.D. |
March Gallagher |
Marco Consulting Group Trust |
Marguerite Casey Foundation |
Maria S. Dal Pan-Dias |
Marie Bogda |
Mario Lalanne |
Mark Filiberto |
Mark Latham |
Mark Seidenberg |
Mark Shaevsky |
Martha Burk |
Martha Ruth Thompson |
Martin Harangozo |
Martin Matthew Guldner |
Mary Morse |
Mary Tifft |
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers |
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic |
Mercy for Animals |
Mercy Investment Services |
Meyer Family Enterprises, LLC |
Meyer Memorial Trust |
Miami Firefighters' Relief & Pension Fund |
Michael Ayers |
Michael Loeb |
Michael Saville |
Michael Weinstein |
Mid-America Carpenters Pension Fund |
Miller/Howard Investments, Inc. |
Minnesota Board of Investment |
Minnesota Valley Trust |
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate |
MMA Praxis Funds |
Myra K. Young |
N/A - Undisclosed |
National Center for Public Policy Research |
National Legal and Policy Center |
National Ministries, American Baptist Churches USA |
Nebraska Peace Foundation |
Ned Eisenberg & James Moran |
Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy |
Neva Rockefeller Goodwin |
New Breeze |
New Covenant Funds |
New Economy Project |
New England Meeting of Friends Trust |
New York City Employees' Retirement System |
New York State Common Retirement Fund |
Newground Social Investment |
Nia Impact Capital |
Nick Rossi |
Nina Janopaul |
Norges Bank Investment Mgmt. |
North Atlantic States Carpenters Pension Fund |
Northstar Asset Management |
Northwest Women Religious Investment Trust |
NYC Carpenters Pension Fund |
NYC Comptroller's Office |
NYC Fire Dept. Pension Fund |
NYC Pension Funds |
NYC Police Dept. Pension Fund |
Olga Bell Greenbaum D’Angelo |
Olga Monks Pertzoff Trust |
Organization United for Respect (OUR) |
Oxfam America, Inc. |
P. Lindner |
P. Parker Trust (Zevin Mgmt.) |
Patricia Haddon |
Patricia Kennedy |
Patrick Jorstad |
Paul Haible |
Pension Reserves Investment Mgmt. (MA) |
Pershing Square |
Peter Kaiser |
Petrofsky Community Revocable Trust |
PGGM Vermogensbeheer B.V. |
Philadelphia PERS |
Physicians Comm. Resp. Medicine |
Presbyterian Church (USA) |
Priests of the Sacred Heart |
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order |
Proxy Impact |
Putney School Inc. Endowment |
Qube Investment Mgmt. Inc. |
Ram Trust Services' Clients |
Ray Chevedden |
Raymond Cieslak |
Raymond Weber |
Rebecca Brown |
Rhia Ventures |
Rhode Island Employees Retirement System |
Richard Berg |
Richard Dee |
Richard J. Will |
Richard Lippert |
Richard Treumann |
Ridgeline Research |
Robert Berridge |
Robert & Karen Green Stone |
Robert Dozor |
Robert E. Hurley |
Robert Elliot Friedman Trust |
Robert Fredrich |
Robert Morse |
Roegele Trust |
Russell Long |
Ruth McElroy Amundsen |
Ruth Valere Adar |
Sally Klinke & Patricia Fournier |
Sanford Lewis |
SEIU Master Trust |
SHARE (Sharehldr Assoc for Research & Educ |
Sheet Metal Workers' Pension Fund |
Shelton Ehrlich |
Sierra Club Foundation |
Simon Levine |
Singing Field Foundation |
Sinsinawa Dominicans |
Sisters of Charity of St. Elizabeth |
Sisters of Charity of the BVM |
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word |
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas |
Sisters of Notre Dame Invest. Fund, Mankato MN |
Sisters of Notre Dame, Baltimore, MD |
Sisters of Notre Dame, Bridgeport, CT |
Sisters of Notre Dame, Milwaukee, WI |
Sisters of Notre Dame, St Louis, MO |
Sisters of St. Agnes |
Sisters of St. Dominic |
Sisters of St. Francis |
Sisters of St. Joseph |
Sisters of St. Joseph of Brentwood |
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet |
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace |
Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary |
Sisters of the Presentation of BVM |
Sisters of the Sorrowful Mother |
SNET Retirees Association, Inc. |
SOC Investment Group |
Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters Pension |
Spinnaker Trust |
State of New Jersey Common Pension Fund |
State of North Carolina, Treasurer |
Stephen Johnson & Martha Thompson |
Stephen Mayne |
Stephen Viederman |
Steven Krol |
Steven Milloy |
Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP Netherlands |
SumOfUs |
Sundance Family Foundation |
Susan Goldman |
Susanna Hoffs & Matthew Roach, Jr. |
Sustainvest Asset Mgmt. |
Sydney Kay |
Tara Health Foundation |
TCI Fund Management Ltd. |
Teamster Affiliates Pension Plan |
Teamsters General Fund |
Teamsters Union Local 1150 CT |
Telephone Coord. Council #3 |
The Accountability Board |
The Association of BellTel Retirees Inc |
The Brethren Benefit Trust |
The Children's Investment Fund (TCI) |
The Dom. & Forgn. Mission. of Episcopal Church |
The Episcopal Church |
The Last Beach Cleanup |
The Marianist Province of the U.S. |
The Nathan Cummings Foundation |
The Needmor Fund |
The New Economy Project |
The Park Foundation |
The Rolyan Fund |
The Shareholder Commons |
The Woodcock Foundation |
Thomas Borelli |
Thomas Finnegan |
Thomas Lovell |
Thomas R. Sifferman |
Thomas Steed |
Thomas Strobhar |
Thomas Swiler |
Thomas Van Dyck |
Thornhill Company |
Timothy Roberts |
Tom Beers and Mary Durfee |
Tom Webb |
Tracy Burt |
Trian Fund Mgmt. |
Trillium Asset Management |
Trillium Global Equity Fund |
Trinity Health |
Trium Capital |
Trowel Trades S&P 500 Index Fund |
Tulipshare Ltd. |
UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust |
Undisclosed |
Unitarian Universalist Assoc. |
Unitarian Universalist Committee |
United Assoc. S&P 500 Index Fund |
United Bro. Carpenters Pension Fund |
United Bro. of Carpenters & Joiners |
United Church Funds |
United MEC of Assoc. of Flight Attendants |
United Methodist Church Pension |
United Steelworkers |
Untd Assc Journy & Aprn Plumb & Pipe US & CA |
Utility Workers Union of America |
Vanessa Rossi |
Vermont Pension Investment Committee |
Victor Rossi |
Vijay Sendhil Revuluri |
Vincent Smith |
Virginia M. Brown |
W. Fleming & J. Howard |
Warren Wilson College |
Waterglass, LLC. |
Wayne Franzten |
Wespath Benefits & Investments |
Whistle Stop Capital |
William C. Wardlaw, III |
William Creighton |
William Freeda |
William Gabbard |
William Rosenfeld |
William Steiner |
William Thrower |
William W. McGreevy, Jr. |
Women's Foundation California |
Xerox Holdings Corp. |
Zevin Asset Mgmt. |